Team Name Functions Key Skill Slots IST JOB Code
Paths Advisor Support the PPT and Team Leaders on managing the schedulle and group movements for transport after oppening ceremony and after paths ending to return to main camp; Support the PPT and participants in establishing and maintaining the patrol system in the Paths; Support the PPT and Participants to camp and food management – ensure that every participant needs are taking in account when the decision of what to eat and how to arrange the campsite; Promote the participants personal development; Promote meetings (morning/breakfast) to communicate/inform the rovers of the programme for the day or Moot Planing Team special informations; Promote Night forums where the participants can discuss their days, Moot experience problems etc; Support the Path participants and PPT on all areas that allow the Path to function and that the PPT project is followed; Maintain a good Path spirit and Path enviroment between all particpants; Serve as the Listenning ear for all participants on the Path; Coordinate with the Paths Planning Team – Team Leaders to ensure that everything is going well – meeting with tehm every day at least once; Help the Local support Team and PPT in solving problems that may occur during the Paths – logistic, food, medical urgencies etc; Support the Team Leaders and Block coordinators managing sub-camp during the Main camp. NOTES: Path advisors are NOT supposed to be a part of the Paths Patrols. Path Advisor are supportive- Do NOT take a leading role. Do NOT participate in the program together with the Path. The Path are supposed to be self-governing. – Leadership – Experience leading scout groups or Rover Groups in local groups or activities; – Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages (Lv.2~4) is preferred. – Former experience being a Tribe Adviser in previous Moot or Roverway or Other Rover activities Worldwide; – Comunication – be used to communicate with young adults and to ear them when needed. – Managing – Be able to help the Path in different areas managing the 450 IST-PTH-PAD