Team Name Functions Key Skill Slots IST JOB Code
Interaction Team (Camps) Assists in all aspects of Camp operations. Assists in the communication with Main Camp Activities and other Departments. Assists in running Camp Leader and Patrol Leader meetings/councils. Suports the Daily Programme Routine of each Camp. Supports for managing documents. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in international and intercultural interactions, having knowledge of traditions & cultural diferences for most participant countries. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.3~4) or English + other languages(Lv.3~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-ITC
Logistic Support Activities Support all Main Camp Activities needs for materials, resources or structures. ◆ Key Skill : having knowledge of technical areas and experience in Do-It-Youself activities. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 6 IST-PMC-LSA
Camp Workshops – Nature & Adventure Operates one Activity on the Camp Workshops for the Nature & Adventure Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Nature and Adventure Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-CWN
Camp Workshops – Culture & Arts Operates one Activity on the Camp Workshops for the Culture & Arts Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Culture and Arts Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-CWC
Camp Workshops – Life & Spirituality Operates one Activity on the Camp Workshops for the Life & Spirituality Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Life and Spirituality Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-CWL
Camp Workshops – Society & Politics Operates one Activity on the Camp Workshops for the Society & Politics Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Society and Politics Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-CWS
Camp Games – Nature & Adventure Operates one Activity on the Camp Games for the Nature & Adventure Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Nature and Adventure Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-CGN
Camp Games – Culture & Arts Operates one Activity on the Camp Games for the Culture & Arts Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Culture and Arts Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-CGC
Camp Games – Life & Spirituality Operates one Activity on the Camp Games for the Life & Spirituality Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Life and Spirituality Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-CGL
Camp Games – Society & Politics Operates one Activity on the Camp Games for the Society & Politics Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Society and Politics Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-CGS
Beach Activities – Nature & Adventure Operates one Activity on the Beach Activities (Off-Site) for the Nature & Adventure Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Nature and Adventure Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-BAN
Beach Activities – Culture & Arts Operates one Activity on the Beach Activities (Off-Site) for the Culture & Arts Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Culture and Arts Theme Area. ◆ Key Skill : water Leisure sports-related workers or water lifesaving qualifications/licence holders are preferred. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-BAC
Beach Activities – Life & Spirituality Operates one Activity on the Beach Activities (Off-Site) for the Life & Spirituality Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Life and Spirituality Theme Area. ◆ Key Skill : water Leisure sports-related workers or water lifesaving qualifications/licence holders are preferred. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-BAL
Beach Activities – Society & Politics Operates one Activity on the Beach Activities (Off-Site) for the Society & Politics Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Society and Politics Theme Area. ◆ Key Skill : water Leisure sports-related workers or water lifesaving qualifications/licence holders are preferred. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-BAS
River Activities – Nature & Adventure Operates one Activity on the River Activities (Off-Site) for the Nature & Adventure Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Nature and Adventure Theme Area. ◆ Key Skill : water Leisure sports-related workers or water lifesaving qualifications/licence holders are preferred. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-RAN
River Activities – Culture & Arts Operates one Activity on the River Activities (Off-Site) for the Culture & Arts Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Culture and Arts Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-RAC
River Activities – Life & Spirituality Operates one Activity on the River Activities for the Life & Spirituality Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Life and Spirituality Theme Area. ◆ Key Skill : water Leisure sports-related workers or water lifesaving qualifications/licence holders are preferred. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-RAL
River Activities – Society & Politics Operates one Activity on the River Activities (Off-Site) for the Society & Politics Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Society and Politics Theme Area. ◆ Key Skill : water Leisure sports-related workers or water lifesaving qualifications/licence holders are preferred. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 12 IST-PMC-RAp
Espinho Activities – Nature & Adventure Operates one Activity in the City of Espinho (Off-Site) for the Nature & Adventure Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Nature and Adventure Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-EAN
Espinho Activities – Culture & Arts Operates one Activity on the City of Espinho (Off-Site) for the Culture & Arts Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Culture and Arts Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-EAC
Espinho Activities – Life & Spirituality Operates one Activity on the City of Espinho (Off-Site) for the Life & Spirituality Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Life and Spirituality Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-EAL
Espinho Activitie – Society & Politics Operates one Activity on the City of Espinho (Off-Site) for the Society & Politics Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Society and Politics Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-RAS
Ovar Activities – Nature & Adventure Operates one Activity in the City of Ovar (Off-Site) for the Nature & Adventure Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Nature and Adventure Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-OAN
Ovar Activities – Culture & Arts Operates one Activity on the City of Ovar (Off-Site) for the Culture & Arts Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Culture and Arts Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-OAC
Ovar Activities – Life & Spirituality Operates one Activity on the City of Ovar (Off-Site) for the Life & Spirituality Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Life and Spirituality Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-OAL
Ovar Activities – Society & Politics Operates one Activity on the City of Ovar (Off-Site) for the Society & Politics Theme Area. Manages the participants (identification of the number of participants, safety guidance, maintenance of activity site order, evacuation support in case of emergency, etc.). Conducts daily activity safety checks (facilities, equipment, activities sites, etc.). Conducts an inspection of materials used in activities (management of quantity of materials, request for shortage of materials). Records results of the activities operation daily. ◆ Key Skill : be interested in the Society and Politics Theme Area. ◆ Language : at least speaking in English(Lv.2~4) or English + other languages(Lv.2~4) is preferred. 22 IST-PMC-OAS