Paths - aim
The first part of Wold Scout Moot 2025 will be spent in a Path with the participants organized in several international patrols.
In this first part, the participants will be able to see and feel the best that Portugal has to offer and spend time to create ties with the other members of their patrols – Engage with Others.
They’ll have the best cultural, geographical, gastronomical,and personal experience, interacting with the Portuguese people, the natural landscapes and get acquainted with our traditions. To achieve that, we want to have about 100 Paths, with 40 or 50 participants each, scattered for the whole Portuguese territory, including Madeira and Azores islands.

Paths - aim
The first part of Wold Scout Moot 2025 will be spent in a Path with the participants organized in several international patrols.
In this first part, the participants will be able to see and feel the best that Portugal has to offer and spend time to create ties with the other members of their patrols – Engage with Others.

They’ll have the best cultural, geographical, gastronomical,and personal experience, interacting with the Portuguese people, the natural landscapes and get acquainted with our traditions. To achieve that, we want to have about 100 Paths, with 40 or 50 participants each, scattered for the whole Portuguese territory, including Madeira and Azores islands.

paths - when
The Paths will start after the Opening Ceremony on the 25th ofJuly and will end on the morning of 30th of July. During this last day of Paths, the participants will be transported to the Main Camp.
The Path will take five days (4 whole days + journey) and 5 nights, and it will be, for sure, memorable and, at the end, everybody will feel an enormous Saudade, the Portuguese word to express the profound feeling of missing something or someone.
– How to create a Path and who can do it?
Participants will have the chance to contribute for the Paths creation, thus developing their personal skills in creating and managing a project with people from other countries.
To present a Path project, candidates will need to:
- Form a Path Planning Team (PPT) with a maximum of 4 members, you and 3 other participants with two different nationalities (that is, only two can be from the same country).
To be a participant in World Scout Moot 2025 (ISTs cannot be part of a PPT);
After creating the PPT, it must develop a project in any place in Portugal that you want to know. The project will have to consider all the moments the participants want to experience during the Path, and all the logistics necessary (transportation, materials, places to sleep). The structure will be based on the set of specifications which will also be the guidelines for the project creation and for evaluation by the Paths coordination team. The project must be submitted in English (only language accepted) through a specific platform.
To help participants to choose the Paths after the submission, each Path will have a rating system (level of Engaging 1 to 5 for each parameter) with the following parameters to be defined by the PPT based on the activities/dynamics suggested for their Path:
Engage with nature & adventure
Engage with life & SPIRITUALITY
engage with society & politics
engage with CULTURE & ARTS

engage with society & politics
engage with CULTURE & ARTS

Engage with nature & adventure
Engage with life & SPIRITUALITY

- See here an example of the set of specifications;
- Benefits of being a PPT member:
– Be part of the planning team of a project such as the World Scout Moot 2025;
– Be part of an international team for the creation of a Paths’ project;
– Be able to choose what you want to see or do in this World Scout Moot 2025;
– Have your World Scout Moot fee reduced (if your Path project is one of the 100 chosen by the participants)
- Timetable:
– Launch the challenge for Paths: January 2024
– Creation of PPT: January 2024 to February 2024
– Sending of Paths projects by PPTs: March 2024
– Evaluation/Analysis and improvement of Paths (coordination team and PPTs): April to July 2024
– Selection of Paths (participants): September 2024
– Preparation of Paths: October 2024 to May 2025