Team Name Functions Key Skill Slots IST JOB Code
Construction Frequently checks of the general condition of the field, passageways and temporary structures (e.g. tents) and requests repairs. Key Skill : Experience in field structures ◆ Language : English(Lv.3), French(Lv.2) 8 IST-INF-CON
Power Supply Inspects campsite generators, solar street lights and electrical facilities frequently and requests repairs. ◆ Key Skill : Persons who have qualifications and licences related to Electrical Engineering or have working experience related to the subject ◆ Language : English(Lv.3), French(Lv.3) 8 IST-INF-PWS
Communication Frequently checks the campsite wireless AP(Wi-Fi), communication devices & chargers and broadcasting equipment and requests repairs. Key Skill : Computer Engineer majors or have working experience related to electronics and communication equipments ◆ Language : English(Lv.3), French(Lv.3), 8 IST-INF-COM
Upper Facility Frequently checks toilets, showers and water fountains and requests repairs. ◆ Key Skill : Persons who has plumbing and drainage work experience is preferred ◆ Language : English(Lv.3), French(Lv.3) 8 IST-INF-UPF
Facility Inspection Responds quickly to safety accidents of participants using upper facilities. Conducts frequent safety checks on major moving routes, drainage channels and various facilities and reports them. Key Skill : have prior understanding and knowledge about the safety of various facilities in the campsite and physical strength to patrol a wide campsite. ◆ Language: have simple communication skills in English by using simple words and daily life sentences and be able to report to MPT & the Organizing Committee in case of finding the lack of safety in upper facilities 8 IST-INF-FAI